It’s still April and the temperature is climbing ever so slowly…but rest assured, soon it will be 25 degrees outside, friends and family will be dropping in with drinks and salad in hand ready to enjoy the great outdoors we have been waiting far to long for. Outside, the barbecue is firing on all gas cylinders and the smoke fills the yard. The smell of cooked grill launches into the gathering. But first…
Here’s what you need to know about barbecue season.
First things first. Clean off last year’s charcoal and grit. We’ve all said at some point, “we’ll leave it till next year” to clean, so now the moment has arrived. Take the grill apart and chip off all the grime and black waste. Warm water usually gets the job done. If it’s in bad shape, get a new one. If not, gather some suds and start soaping it up. Then, coat it with an oil to protect the coating during the new barbecue season.
Before you start blazing away and knotting up your apron, take time to inspect your machine for any possible gas leaks in the tubes and look for any holes and spiders that may have found a home for the winter. Check your burners. Replace loose and broken parts. If you are not sure how to do a proper check, these guys know how.
Finally, maintain your barbecue throughout the summer. Find an oil to coat the grills with make sure you wash and clean your cooking utensils, tubes and grill after each use. That way you are ready to go anytime and the barbecue stays in good shape.
Other than that, be aware of any fire ban days during summer and happy cooking.