Quick Summer Dinners that involve minimal prep-to-plate time are our love language. A bonus with this meal is that you can use the BBQ and keep the heat outside! We have lots of options for what you can throw on the grill including various flavors of sausages, burgers, and kabobs.  Pair with your fav sides for the perfect Summer Dinner, or, follow what we have below.

Note: This is a great way to feed a crowd!


Kabobs/Burgers/Sausage (Choose your Favs!)

  • Hayter’s Farm Kabobs (4 x 125g kabobs per pack) Teriyaki or Seasoned Flavor
  • Hayter’s Farm Sausages (4 x 94g sausages per fresh pack) Original, Honey Garlic, Mild Italian or Hot Italian Flavor
  • Hayter’s Farm Burgers (4 x 112g burgers per fresh pack) Spinach Cranberry, Classic or Onion & Parsley Flavor

Garlic Potato BBQ Packet (Tinfoil Needed)

  • 4 Medium sizes potatoes – whatever type you have will work, thinly sliced (1/8 inch thick)
  • 1 x Medium white or spanish onion, thinly sliced
  • Butter (a couple tbsp’s), or, oil of your choice
  • 4 x garlic cloves, minced
  • Fresh Herbs – whatever you have on hand that is fresh – we used Rosemary, Parsley and Chives
  • Salt and Pepper

Veggie Skewers (Skewers Needed)

  • You know what veg you like – go to a local farm stand and pick your favs. Good options are red onion, zucchini, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, corn on the cob etc.

Method of Preparation

Preheat BBQ to a medium heat.

Veg Skewers

  1. Wash veg and cut into ticker chunks (for a more crunchy texture), or, thinner sliced (for a softer texture).
  2. Throw the veg on skewers. We keep ’em plain, but you could add some oil and salt and pepper or an oil based salad dressing, if desired.

Garlic BBQ Potatoes 

  1. Take 2 x 12 inch pieces of tinfoil and lay them on top of each other. Seal one side using a crimping technique folding front then back and repeated that process a couple times until secured.
  2. Open the tinfoil and add a layer of the onions to just one side of the tinfoil. Layer on one potato worth of slices, some of your herbs, some salt and pepper, and either a couple chunks of butter or a few drizzles of oil, then top with onions again. Repeat this process until all ingredients are used.
  3. Bring the other tin foil half over the potatoes, leaving a little space for steam, and secure using the crimping method on the three open sides.

Get Cookin’!

  1. Place kabobs on a preheated BBQ and rotate often, ensuring even cooking on all sides. Once the internal temp has reached 165F (10-15 mins), take off the grill and rest for 5 mins.
  2. Place the potato pouch directly on the BBQ, or, you can set them on a pan on the BBQ. Do this the same time as the kabobs. Flip these once or twice, they should take roughly the same time as the kabobs, but, will vary depending on thickness of slices. They are done when the pouch has expanded with steam, and the potatoes are soft.
  3. Place veg skewers on grill directly on the BBQ, do this at the same time as the kabobs for soft veg, or, 5 mins after the kabobs for a crunchier veg. Rotate often ensuring even cooking on all sides. Cook to your liking.