A Heart smart way to enjoy this dish that is traditionally quite high in fat and calories. I have made a few substitutions to lower both. It still tastes very rich and delicious. But beware all this yummy goodness might have you going for seconds!
- 4 cups cooked, skinless, turkey breast, cubed in bite-sizes pieces
- 4 cups brown or long grain wild rice, cooked
- 4 cups broccoli, steamed & well-drained
- 2 cups low fat sharp white or cheddar cheese, grated
- 1 can low fat cream of chicken soup
- 1/2 cup plain yogurt – to cook with yogurt, bring it to room temperature before you add it to the dish, otherwise it might curdle and separate and add it to the dish spoon by spoon.
- 1/2 cup chicken broth
- 1/4 cup dry white wine
- 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
- 2 T curry powder
- 2 full cranks of black pepper
Method of Preparation
- Spray a 9x 13 oven proof casserole with cooking spray. Pre-heat oven to 350F/170C
- Layer in this order: rice, then Turkey and broccoli on top
- Pour sauce over and top with grated cheese.
- Bake at 350/170C for 30 -35 minutes.
Too lower fat and calories even more, replace grated cheese topping with 2 cups of soda crackers crushed finely and mix with 1 cup parmesan cheese and 2 T. of basil flakes.